What is our job in this world?

Our job as the Jewish nation is to be a light unto the nations. To bring the light of Hashem into this world. How do we do this? By being satisfied with our lot, by being full.  As Yaakov Avinu said to Eisav when Eisav commented on his family. He said Hashem has graced me with everything. He was saying that he was blessed with what he had and did not want more. Therefore, making sure there was no barrier between him and Hashem. According to Rav Wolbe Ztz”l our forefathers experienced a taste of Olam Habah in this world, by constantly being attached to Hashem.

Now this is all very nice and easier said then done. So, here is what I recommend to help us connect to Hashem.

1. Be happy with what you have, and know this is what you need and anything more is a want.

2. Take time out of your day to focus on Hashem and all he has done for you that day.

2a. A great way is to look for Hashgacha Pratis throughout your day.

2b. Or just to talk to Hashem through out your day. Having a hard time getting up in the morning, don’t feel well. Say Hashem “Help me, I want to accomplish so much today for you, but I don’t feel well. Help me get up and start my day.”

I did this recently on Shabbos. My lunch meal started very late for the winter. About 12 and we didn’t finish until about 2. So Seuda Shilishit is in about 2 and half hours, I daven mincha when I get home then go to lay down as I hadn’t slept well the night before due to allergies. About 4:20 I realize that its gotten quiet outside and the sun is setting, that it is time for Seuda shlishit. But, I am still so full from lunch that I don’t feel like getting out of bed. So I say to Hashem “I don’t feel well, but this is a huge mitzvah help me please. He did, when I got out of bed and washed netilat yedayim, I realized I am not very hungry. But, I am hungry enough to wash and have a little bit of bread. So thank you Hashem for helping me accomplish so many more mitzvahs today.

Do you have ideas on how to bring Hashem into this world? Leave us a comment we’re interested in hearing your ideas.

Making Judaism Beautiful

So, let us follow-up with last week’s parsha, Vayishlach.  We learn that the yetzer hara tries to take the beauty out of yiddishkeit and sometimes he succeeds. What are some of the ways we see the beauty being diminished?

There is a famous story of a frum man living in the United States, during the early 1900’s.  When it was still a 6 day work week.  Every week he would lose his job for refusing to work on shabbos, now that is a huge mitzvah. Yet, at his shabbos table there was no joy, just worry and complaints about how he was going to feed his family and where he was going to find another job.  Many years later this man want to R’ Moshe Feinstein Ztz”l and said to him I don’t understand I was mesiras nefesh for Shabbos every week, and none of my kids are frum.  R’ Feinstein asked him what was your shabbos table like, did you sing and give over Dvar Torah or did you have a heavy heart and were upset.  The man admitted it was the latter.  R Feinstein said to him that is where you went wrong, all that your children saw, was how miserable keeping shabbos made you.  So they saw no reason to keep it.

Making your Judaism beautiful is a very personal thing; but let us give a few examples.

Tznius can be very hard for young women who want to look their best.  But when she gets dressed with the attitude of I am a princess of Hashem ( bas melech) it can change her whole attitude.  She knows that she has to look pretty, but in a royal manner which does not include showing off her body.

Shabbos, should be more than just reading Jewish magazines, eating and sleeping. While all of that can have its place too.  Shabbos is a gift from Hashem that only the Jewish people get.  It should be filled with Torah and singing zemiros.  It should be a time for introspection.  A time you and your children can appreciate nature by going out for walks and pointing out the flowers etc.

These are just a few ideas to help you make your Judaism more beautiful and meaningful.  Like I said this tends to be a very personal thing as different things speak to different people.